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The Ultimate Moving Checklist: Everything You Need to Do Before Moving Day

Pre-Moving Preparation

Create a Moving Binder: Start by setting up a moving binder or folder to keep all your important documents, receipts and notes organized throughout the moving process.

Declutter Your Belongings: Go through each room and decide what items you want to keep, donate, sell or discard. Decluttering will help streamline the packing process and reduce the amount of stuff you need to move.

Research Moving Companies: If you’re hiring professional movers, research reputable moving companies in your area. Get quotes, read reviews and book your moving date well in advance.

Notify Relevant Parties: Inform your landlord or real estate agent about your move-out date. If you own your current home, notify your mortgage lender.

Transfer Medical Records: If you’re moving to a new city or state, arrange to have your medical records transferred to your new healthcare provider.

Change of Address: Update your address with the post office, banks, insurance providers, subscriptions and any other relevant institutions.

Notify Utilities: Arrange to have your utilities disconnected at your current address and set up at your new address on moving day.

Collect Packing Supplies: Gather packing materials such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper and markers. You can purchase these items from moving supply stores or collect them for free from local stores or online marketplaces.

Packing and Organization

Start Early: Begin packing non-essential items as soon as possible, starting with items you use infrequently.

Pack Room by Room: Pack one room at a time to stay organized and avoid mixing items from different rooms.

Label Boxes Clearly: Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This will make unpacking much easier once you arrive at your new home.

Use Protective Packing Materials: Wrap fragile items in bubble wrap or packing paper and use plenty of cushioning to prevent breakage during transit.

Pack Essentials Box: Pack a separate box with essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home, such as toiletries, medications, important documents and a few changes of clothes.

Take Inventory: Keep a detailed inventory of all your packed boxes to ensure nothing gets lost or misplaced during the move.

Disassemble Furniture: If possible, disassemble large furniture pieces to make them easier to transport. Keep all hardware and assembly instructions together in a labeled bag or box.

Secure Valuables: Keep valuable items such as jewelry, important documents and electronic devices with you rather than packing them with the rest of your belongings.

Moving Day Preparation

Confirm Moving Details: Double-check the details of your moving arrangements, including the date, time and any specific instructions provided by your moving company.

Prepare Appliances: If you’re taking large appliances with you, make sure they’re properly disconnected, cleaned and prepared for transit.

Final Walkthrough: Conduct a final walkthrough of your home to ensure nothing has been overlooked. Check closets, cabinets and storage areas to make sure everything is packed.

Say Goodbye: Take a moment to say goodbye to your old home and neighborhood. Snap some photos to preserve the memories.

Lock Up: Double-check that all windows and doors are locked before leaving your old home for the last time.

Settling Into Your New Home

Arrival Inspection: Upon arrival at your new home, inspect the property for any damage or issues that may have occurred during the move. Document any findings for reference.

Unpack Essentials Box: Start by unpacking your essentials box so you have immediate access to necessary items.

Set Up Utilities: Contact the appropriate utility companies to ensure your services are activated at your new address.

Assemble Furniture: Begin assembling furniture and arranging your belongings in their respective rooms.

Explore Your New Neighborhood: Take some time to explore your new neighborhood, locate nearby amenities and introduce yourself to your neighbors.

Update Address: Update your address with local authorities, such as the DMV and update your vehicle registration and driver’s license if necessary.

Register to Vote: If you’ve moved to a new state or county, register to vote in your new jurisdiction.

Get Involved:
Join local community groups, clubs or organizations to meet new people and get involved in your new community.

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